Talent Development Consulting

Group Facilitation

Have you ever participated in an unproductive meeting?


Even the most talented and motivated groups can get off track sometimes, unable to see the forest for the trees. A professional facilitator can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your meetings through skillful use of group processes. 


Kate will work with you before your event to identify its purpose, stakeholders and deliverables, and to build a focused agenda. During the meeting, she will ensure the discussion stays productive and on task by:

Copyright Kate Beavin Talent Development. All rights reserved.


Don’t waste one more minute in ineffective meetings! Contact Kate today.

~ Encouraging open dialogue between all participants.

~ Managing difficult behaviors such as dominating, interrupting, and sidebar conversations.

~ Providing tools and techniques for brainstorming, problem solving, consensus building,

   and decision making.

~ Ensuring action items are assigned and recorded.